Quarterly Dividend Update: Q1 2019

by Yoda

Dividend Investing for me is a long-term strategy. I like to buy great companies when they are out of favor. Hold them for a long time, re-invest dividends and wait for compounding to do its magic. I have been investing in dividend stocks for the last 3-5 years, but only started recording my dividend income since 2018. I decided to share my dividend investing journey on a quarterly basis from Q1 2019 on wards.

Here are the results from Q1 2019 and comparison with Q1 2018:

quarterly dividend update q12019

Total: $412.37 for Q1 2019

Here is a graphical view of the same data:

quarterly dividend update q12019 graph

My Buys in Q1 2019

  • Bought about 33% more position in DIS (Walt Disney Company) a few weeks before the Disney+ streaming announcement.
  • Bought some more of T (AT&T) purely for income.
  • Increased 50% more position in MO (Altria) in February.
  • A starter position in XOM (Exxon Mobil Corporation) and ABBV (AbbVie Inc.) in February.

Most of these buys in Q1 2019 did not contribute to any dividend income in Q1. But I would expect my Q2 income to grow much faster with the busy buying quarter I had in Q1.

My Sells in Q1 2019


Check out my complete dividend portfolio here.

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